Monday, May 4, 2009

Tips for green living

Use Public transport when available.

use a mug or glass for your drinks instead of disposable cups

When traveling on a bike, give lifts to other travelers. Helps save fuel.

Reduce, Re-Use And Re-cycle

Get your vehicles checked and serviced regularly, to reduce carbon and smoke emission

Save water / electricity

Print documents only if neccesary and in fewer number of copies. Use both sides of the page to print (Set this as your default setting). Also you may use advance print options to print multiple pages on the same page.

Car pool to your workplace, it only needs a small adjustment in your schedules. You can socialize and get to know your neighbors and colleagues while driving, reduce your driving stress and save the money spent on fuel and maintenance.

Soak the rice and lentils in water for sometime before you cook, it not only helps you save cooking gas, but is also good for health as the grains absorb water

Once a day, avoid taking lift and climb up to your apartment. It would not only help save the high power consumed by lifts but would also help you reduce those extra calories and the cost of joining the gym.

You should only take and prepare the food as much as you can eat. Do not waste it. If it is going wasted make sure to feed a dog or cow.

Exchange your old appliance for newer one which consumes less energy

Switch Off Your Engine at Traffic Signal

Do not throw used oils of vehicles in drainage which will mix up with water when raining and results in water pollution.

Solar energy is eco-friendly and helps to save electricity

Computer or your PC consumes more electricity than a laptop computer. Encourage employees use laptops in office and save up to 90% of energy.

Pay Online Bills to Save Trees

For further details you can visit following site:

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